Switzerland enters into partnership with Morocco’s anti-doping agency

Public Relations

The national anti-doping organisations of Switzerland and Morocco signed a partnership agreement at a meeting in Rabat.


Morocco’s national anti-doping organisation, the Agence Marocaine Antidopage (AMAD), has been operating as an independent national anti-doping organisation (NADO) since 2021 and is therefore still a developing organisation within the framework of the international anti-doping control system. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) supports new NADOs by facilitating contact with established and more developed NADOs – the aim being that existing anti-doping organisations can use their knowledge and expertise to provide valuable capacity building opportunities to support the developmental goals of the new and developing NADO. Following discussions and the consideration of various factors, the Swiss Sport Integrity and AMAD were considered a good fit and WADA proposed the possible partnership.

Support and expertise from Switzerland

The partnership is primarily based on a “mentoring programme”, whereby the Swiss Sport Integrity Foundation shares its extensive years of anti-doping expertise with the Moroccan NADO. As such, it is envisaged that AMAD can benefit from Switzerland’s knowledge, many years of experience and expertise across all areas of anti-doping work, from the testing to the results management and doping prevention. The partnership is restricted solely to the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of experience; it does not encompass any financial benefits or compensation and is initially designed to extend over a period of two years.

Positive and profitable development

The partnership emphasises the commitment of both nations to protecting the integrity of sport. 
Dr Fatima Abouali, President of the AMAD, is very pleased about the partnership. “We have a competent partner by our side in the form of Switzerland. We look forward to engaging in positive cooperation between our two organisations over the next two years.”

Ulrich Kurmann, the President of Swiss Sport Integrity, stated that, “Thanks to its expertise, our Foundation can support the development of the newly established anti-doping organisation in Morocco as well as make an important contribution to strengthening clean sport, which is also in the best interests of Swiss athletes.”

Tom May, Director of NADO/RADO Relations at WADA said, “Partnerships are an important tool in the development and harmonisation of the global anti-doping community. From WADA’s perspective, the partnership between the AMAD and SSI is a strong example for NADOs around the world to follow. Cooperation between National Anti-Doping Organizations is key to ensuring the development of anti-doping programs internationally. WADA looks forward to the positive outcomes that will come from this partnership.”