Urine Testing Procedure

Notification and Identification


The doping control officers (DCOs) identify themselves. Alex is informed that he has been selected for testing, and about the upcoming control. Alex is also briefed on his rights and obligations. The DCOs verify Alex’s identity, for example by means of an identity card or driver’s license. By signing the doping control form, Alex confirms that he received notification of the doping control, and that he has understood the associated rights and obligations.

Waiting and Testing Areas

The waiting and testing areas are separate from each other. Alex may eat and drink in the waiting area, but not in the testing area. As the first urine sample does have to be given after Alex has been notified he is not permitted to shower or spend any time in water during the waiting period.

The only people allowed in the testing area are the DCO, Alex (the athlete undergoing testing) and, at his request, a person he trusts. Under certain circumstances, WADA observers and auditors from Swiss Sport Integrity may also be present. Alex has the testing procedure explained to him. A blood sample may be taken in addition to a urine sample (see Blood Testing Procedure). In the testing area, Alex selects a urine collection container and checks that the packaging is intact. At least three collection containers should be available to choose from.


Providing a Urine Sample


When Alex is ready to provide a urine sample, he is accompanied by a DCO of the same gender. Where the facilities allow it, Alex is instructed to wash his hands thoroughly with water (without soap) before giving the urine sample. Alex then unpacks the urine container, and the packaging is disposed of.

Before giving the sample, Alex must remove his clothing from the abdomen down to the knees and roll his sleeves up to his elbows to avoid any risk of manipulation. At least 90 ml of urine are needed for the test. Back in the testing area, the amount of urine collected is entered on the doping control form.

Special Case – Partial Sample Procedure

Should Alex be unable to produce the required 90 ml of urine in one go, the partial sample is stored in the container for the B sample and the number of the interim seal is entered on the control form. Alex remains under constant supervision until the next urine sample is given. Once Alex is able to give another urine sample, the process continues. Once a minimum of 90 ml of urine has been obtained in total, the partial samples are mixed together and poured into the containers (see above).


Selecting a Testing Kit


Alex must select one of the packaged testing kits provided. There should be at least three kits to choose from, and the packaging must be intact. If Alex is not happy with the kit he originally selected, he may choose another one which is intact.

Each kit contains two containers, individually sealed in plastic: one for the A sample (red label) and one for the B sample (blue label). Identical numbers should appear on the kits, containers, and lids.

Filling the Urine Sample Containers

Alex pours the urine into the containers himself. Firstly, the urine is poured into container B (blue label), up to the mark which corresponds to 30 ml. Next, 60 ml is poured into container A (red label). Then the rest of the urine is poured into container A up to the maximum filling mark, and then up to the maximum filling mark of container B. The urine density is tested using the remainder in the container; if it is too low, another sample must be given.


Sealing the Containers


Alex closes each container with the correct lid, without force. They can no longer be unscrewed and opened. In the laboratory, lids are removed using a special tool before the sample is analyzed. They can then no longer be re-used. Alex then places the two containers in the plastic bags provided (which contain a liquids absorber), and seals them.

Doping Control Form

The DCO now enters further details on the form, such as the sample number, the date, and the time the sample was taken. The laboratory does not receive any information whatsoever which might indicate Alex's identity. To make the analysis process easier for the laboratory, it can be useful to enter any medication taken over the last seven days on the doping control form.


Signing the Form and Concluding the Test


Alex can now check that the remaining part of the doping control form has been completed correctly and in full. If Alex wishes to make any comments or complaints, these can be recorded in writing on the form. The DCO, any accompanying individuals, and finally Alex himself then sign the form, thereby confirming that the test was carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations. Alex receives a copy of the doping control form. This should be kept in a safe place.

Dispatch and Analysis

The samples are sent to a laboratory for Analysis. Sample A is tested initially. Alex is informed by Swiss Sport Integrity of the result of the test by e-mail or by letter.
