According to Art. 22 of the Federal Act on the Promotion of Sport and Exercise (SpoPA), “any person who manufactures, acquires, imports, exports, conveys, distributes, sells, prescribes, markets, administers, or possesses doping substances under Article 19 paragraph 3, or applies methods under Article 19 paragraph 3 to third parties” is committing a criminal offense. This principle applies not only to athletes, but to everyone.
As an anti-doping competence center, Swiss Sport Integrity provides the law enforcement authorities with tools for identifying doping agents and prohibited methods in accordance with Art. 19 para. 2 Federal Act on the Promotion of Sport and Exercise of 17 June 2011 and can be called upon in the event of an investigation.
Role of the Law Enforcement Authorities
Doping agents are often difficult to distinguish from normal medication. However, there are tips which can be applied to easily categorize doping agents and check their legality.
The guidelines for the law enforcement authorities explain the legal basis, as well as providing support and information for police action. It answers questions such as:
- How can doping agents and prohibited methods be identified as such?
- Is the private consumption of doping agents an offense?
- Why must doping agents be seized in all cases?
- What should be taken into account during a search or inspection?
- Where and how can prohibited substances be detected?
- In what capacity can Swiss Sport Integrity be called upon during investigations?
Support and Contact
If you have any questions, please contact our Investigation Department at intelligence(a) or on +41 31 550 21 00.