The Antidoping Switzerland Foundation will become the Swiss Sport Integrity Foundation effective 1 January 2022. In addition to anti-doping rule violations, the new organization will handle ethics violations. The new ethics statutes required to do this were passed unanimously at the 25th Sports Parliament.
The adoption of the Ethics Statute of Swiss Sport by the 25th Sports Parliament laid the foundation for better safeguards for athletes in Switzerland. Effective 1 January 2022, the Antidoping Switzerland Foundation will be renamed, and its activities continued and extended under the name of Swiss Sport Integrity. The Foundation will therefore be a major force combating ethics violations, irregularities, and doping, in Swiss sport. It will provide initial advice, investigate, and prosecute alleged violations, conduct doping controls and run doping prevention.
Independent and reliable
In Swiss Sport Integrity, Swiss sport gains an independent and reliable point of contact to ensure that doping and ethics violations, and irregularities, are identified and eliminated as quickly as possible. Swiss Sport Integrity replaces the reporting services run by Swiss Olympic and national sports federations. The Foundation's independence guarantees that reports will be treated in confidence and followed up consistently. To support this, a brand-new digital platform will be available from 1 January 2022. It meets the very highest security standards and will allow two-way communication with the reporting party, who may remain anonymous if they wish.
Central advice center for all
The Swiss Sport Integrity reporting portal is open to anyone who wishes to report suspected violations or irregularities. An initial advisory session provides information on possible courses of action. Where necessary, the reporting party will be referred to the proper body for more detailed advice. Once submitted, reports are reviewed and passed on to the criminal prosecution authorities if appropriate. Where Swiss Sport Integrity is the competent body, it will conduct an investigation and prepare a final report for submission to the Disciplinary Chamber of Swiss Sport, which will then decide on any sanctions. Appeals against these sanctions may be lodged with the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
Clear aims
Both the Swiss federal government and Swiss Olympic have pledged additional funding to ensure that the new Foundation is able to fulfil its remit effectively. “We will target our energies and resources to pursue and prosecute ethics and doping violations consistently. Swiss Sport Integrity is focused on safeguarding the health and wellbeing of Swiss athletes, and on maintaining the credibility in sport that the public expects”, President Ueli Kurmann emphasizes.
Expanded Foundation Board
President Ueli Kurmann and current Foundation Board members Emanuela Felley-Bosco, Markus Feller, Urs Karrer, Walter Mengisen, Pascal Oswald and Marc Schneeberger have been reappointed to the Board of the new Swiss Sport Integrity Foundation. The Sports Parliament also approved the expansion of the Foundation Board, and elected Katharina Albertin, Barbara Lustenberger and Bernard Schumacher to serve for the next three years up to and including 2024.